Today we are going to look at easter eggs, secrets, mysteries, features, enemies, areas, dungeons, items, glitches, tricks and options in the legend of zelda ocarina of time because we came up with a cool challenge to beat this zelda games dungeons/temples made by nintendo using weird glitches. This is one of the many zelda games just like the legend of zelda majora's mask, the legend of zelda skyward sword, the legend of zelda twilight princess, the legend of zelda a link between worlds, the legend of zelda the wind waker and even the new legend of zelda breath of the wild for the nintendo switch. There are a ton of challenges in video games like the great plateau challenge, nuzlocke, 2 player challenge, green devil, 100 mario challenge, timer challenges and a whole lot more. All of this makes it a lot harder for characters like mario, link, ganondorf, bowser, pokemons, luigi, yoshi and more. So let's find out how to beat the dungeons, bosses, enemies and more in the weirdest ways! MORE awesome videos!: ------------------------------­---------­---------------------­------------------­------------­--- Thiefbugs Stream - Dr.Wily's yt Channel - Source - or thiefbug himself ------------------------------­---------­---------------------­------------------­------------­-----